Thursday, March 26, 2020

Coronacation Sucks

how can something so pretty be such a pain in the ass.

I already miss you guys, or I want to run away from my family haven't decided yet.......

So, if you haven't already checked the AP website, it seems that there will be an exam offered at the same scheduled time in May but it will only cover up to UNIT 6 which is incredibly problematic. We only made it half way through Unit 6. There are at least 50 pieces we haven't seen yet. That in part is where the problem is. 
What to do?
If I felt that we would be back in school by April 1st, it wouldn't be a big deal. But do you feel like we are going back anytime soon? I don't.
Now I know most of you are AP students and have been hit with a mass of work today, and I will pile on too but lets start with a review.
go to
and read, watch and study Global Pre-history images 1-11

I will not stop you from looking into the future, most of the work we have not seen yet is in Content Area 4 on the same smarthistory site. I will get to it just haven't decided the best way to teach it, that is why I am starting with a review.

I will have an exam posted by Sunday on the AP site and it will be due next Thursday.
If you need a break from watching and learning I will have a create assignment also to get your art mojo rolling and to fight the boring of staring and studying a computer screen.

I have been thinking about migrating the blog to google classroom since it seems all the teachers are doing it and it might be easier for you, so let me ponder, I will post later today with a creative assignment, otherwise you have received your marching orders, check the blog at least twice a day for updates. Any questions email me or post comment.

Good luck, stay safe and practice social distancing.



  1. i support doing a google classroom just so i can get notifications and everything will be in the same place

  2. google classroom is a move, miss you G :((((((

  3. google classroom would be really good!! the notifications on it are mad helpful, cant lie

    i miss class and hope everything’s safe and healthy for u & your family!!
